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CRIS-MAR ESTATES is one of the more desirable and sought-after areas in which to live and raise your family in Grand Junction, Colorado. Founded in 1980, Cris-Mar Estates is a covenant community containing 50 homes. We take pride in our neighborhood and have worked together to continue to make it a great and attractive place to live.


The Cris-Mar Estates Homeowners Association Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee are dedicated to serving our community and maintaining the quality of our neighborhood. Each owner and home is important to our neighborhood. If you are new to our neighborhood, please contact any Board or Architectural Committee member with any concerns or questions that you may have. Our website also contains information and resources for both new and current homeowners. Welcome to Cris-Mar Estates!

Ranch house in Cris Mar subdvison
metal rooster in front of house in cris mar subdivision
sunbeams shinig through tree in cris mar subdivison
IMG_0800 Cris Mar
Cris Mar Neighborhood
House in Cris Mar
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